FROM node:alpine => Specify base image
WORKDIR /app => Set the working directory to '/app' in the container. All following commands will be
issued relative to this dir
COPY package.json ./ => Copy over only the package.json file
RUN npm install => Install all dependencies
COPY ./ ./ => Copy over all of our remaining source code
CMD ["npm", "start"] => Set the command to run when the container
starts up
FROM node:alpine
COPY package.json ./
RUN npm install
COPY ./ ./
CMD ["npm", "start"]
docker build .
Successfully built eb521ea6b7e6
docker run eb521ea6b7e6
docker build -t abcdefg/efgh . => Build an image based on the dockerfile in the
current directory. Tag it as 'abcdefg/efgh'
docker run [image id or image tag] => Create and start a container based on the
provided image id or tag
docker run -it [image id or image tag] [cmd] => Create and start container, but also
override the default command
docker ps => Print out information about all of the
running containers
docker exec -it [container id] [cmd] => Execute the given command in a running
docker logs [container id] => Print out logs from the given container