
2022년 10월 9일 일요일

Kubernetes - few key terms

 CNI and CSI

- The containser networking and storage interfaces, respectively, that allow for pluggable networking and storage for Pods(containers) that run in Kubernets.


- A Docker or OCI image that typically runs an application.

Control plane 

- The brains of a Kubernetes cluster, where scheduling of containers and managing all Kubernets objects takes place (sometimes referred to as Masters)


- Like a deployment, but it runs on every node of a cluster.


- A collection of Pods that is managed by Kubernetes.


- The command-line tool for talking to the Kubernetes control plane.


- The Kubernetes agent that runs on your cluster nodes. It does what the control plane needs it to do.


- A machine that runs a kubelet process.


- The common image format for building executable, self-containerd applications. Also referred to as Docker images.


- The Kubernetes object that encapsulates a running container.

2022년 4월 23일 토요일

1. Introduction

 Advanced Convolutional Neural Networks

- This field has progressed so far!

- I never thought i'd make two CNN courses

- This course is not only way different from CNN pt 1, it is also WAY more massive

Newer, Better Architecures

Object Detection

A CNN is just a part of this system!

Transfer Learning

Random neural network =>(TRAINING:ImageNet)=>Neural network<<pre-trained>> on ImageNet =>FINE TUNING:Your data)=> Trained neural network


Image(224*224) => Base Network(13*13*512) => Additional Feature Layers


Feature map(Ex1_2 6*6*512) => Feature map (Ex2_2 3*3*256) => Feature map (Ex3_3 2*2*128) => Feature map (GAP 1*1*128) 


Detections Layers => Non-Maximum Suppression => Detection Results

2022년 4월 15일 금요일

Intel processor event-vector table

 vector number    :     description

0: divide error

1: debug exception

2: null interrupt

3: breakpoint

4: INTO-detected overflow

5: bound range exception

6: invalid opcode

7: device not available

8: double fault

9: coprocessor segment overrun (reserved)

10: invalid task state segment

11: segment not present

12: stack fault

13: general protection

14: page fault

15: (Intel reserved, do not use)

16: floating-point error

17: alignment check

18: machine check

19-31: (Intel reserved, do not use)

32-255: maskable interrupts