
2022년 3월 22일 화요일

The discriminator model

 This model represents a differentiable function that tries to maximize a probability of 1 for samples drawn from the training distribution. This can be any classification model, but we usually prefer a deep neural network for this. This is the throw-away model(similar to the decoder part of autoencodeers).

The discriminator is also used to classify whether the output from the generator is real or fake. The main utility of this model is to help develop a robust generator. We denote the discriminator model as D and its output as D(x). When it is used to classify output from the generator model. the discriminator model is denoted as D(G(z)), where G(z) is the output from the generator model.

Generative adversarial networks

 GANs have a pretty interesting origin story. It all began as a discussion / argument in a bar with lan Goodfellow and friends discussing work related to generating data using neural networks. The argument ended with everyone downplaying each other's methods. Goodfellow went back home and coded the first version of what we now calls a GAN. To his amazement, the code worked on the first try. Amore verbose description of the chain of events was shared by Goodfellow himself in an interview with Wired magazine.

As mentioned, GANs are implicit density functions that sample directly from the underlying distribution. They do this by defining a two-player game of adversaries. The adversaries compete against each other under welll-defined reward functions and each player tries to maximize its rewards. Without going into the details of game theory, the framework can be explained as follows.

The taxonomy of generative models

 Generative models are a class of models in the unsupervised machine learning space. They help us to model the underlying distributions responsible for generating the dataset under consideration. There are different methods/frameworks to work with generative models. The first set of methods correspond to models that represent data with an explicit density function. Here we define a probability density function, P, explicitly and develop a model that increases the maximum likelihood of sampling from this distribution.

There are two further types within explicit density methods, tractable and approximate density methods. PixelIRNNs are an active area of research for tractable density methods. When we try to model complex real-world data distribution, for example, natural images or speech signals, defining a parametri function becomes challenging. To overcome this, you learned about RBMs and VAEs in Chapter 4, Teching Networks to Generate Digits, and Chapter 5, Painting Pictures with Neural Networks Using VAEs, respectively. These techniques work by approximating the underlying probability density functions explicitly. VAEs work towards maximizing the likelihood estimates of the lower bound, while RBMs use Markov chains to make an estimate of the distribution. The overall landscape of generative models can be described using Figure 6.2:

GANs fall under implicity density modeling methods. The implicit density functions give up the property of explicity defining the underlying distribution but work by defining methods to draw samples from such distributions. The GAN framework is a class of methods that can sample directly from the underlying distributions. This alleviates some of the complexities associated with the methods we have coverd so far, such as difining underlying probability distribution functions and the quality of output. Now that you have a high-level understanding of generative models, let's dive deeper into the details of GANs.

2022년 3월 21일 월요일

6. Image Generation with GANs

 Generative modeling is a powerful concept that provides us with immense potential to approximate or model underlying processes that generate data. In the previous chapters, we covered concepts associated with deep learning in general and more specifically related to restricted Boltzmann machines(RBMs) and variational autoencoders(VAEs). This chapter will introduce another family of generative model called Generative Advaersarial Networks(GANs).

Heavily inspired by the concepts of game theory and picking up some of the best components from preiously discussed tetchniques, GANs provide a powerful framework for working in the generative modeling space. Since their invention in 2014 by Goodfellow et al., GANs have benefitted from termendous research and are now being used to explore creative domains such as art, fashion, and photography.

The following are two amazing high0quality samples from a variant of GANs called StyleGAN(Figure 6.1). The photograph of the kid is actually a fictional person who does not exist. The art sample is also generated by a similar network. StyleGANs are able to generrate high-quality sharp images by using the concept oof progressive growth (we will cover this in detail in later sections). These outputs were generated using the StyleGAN2 model trained on datasets such as the Flickr-Face-HQ or FFHQ dataset.

This chapter will cover:

- The taxonomy of generative models

- A number of improved GANs, such as DCGAN, Conditional-GAN, and so on

- The progressive GAN setup and its various components

- Some of the challenges associated with GANs

- Hands-on examples

2022년 3월 19일 토요일


 In this chapter, you saw how deep neural networks can be used to create representations of complex data such as images that capture more of their variance than traditional dimension reduction techniques, such as PCA. This is demonstrated using the MNIST digits, where a neural network can spatially separate the dirrerent digits in a two-dimensional grid more cleanly than the principal components of those images. The chapter showed how deep neural networks can be used to approximate complex posterior distribution, such as images, using variational methods to sample from an  approximation for an intractable distr5ibution, leading to a VAE algorithm based on minimizing the variational lower bound between the true and approximate posterior.

You also learned how the latent vector from this algorithm can be reparameterized to have lower variance, leading to better convergence in stochastic minibnatch gradient descent. You saw how the latent vectors generated by encoders in these models, which are usually independent, can be transformed into more realistic correlated distributions using IAF. Finally, we implemented these models on the CIFAR-10 dataset and showed how they can bbe used to rec onstruct the images and generate new images from random vectors.

The next chapter will introduce GANs and show how we can use them to add stylistic filters to input images, using the StyleGAN model.

Creating the network from TensorFlow 2

 Now that we've downloaded the CIFAR-10 dataset, split it into test and training data, and reshaped and rescaled it, we are ready to start building our VAE model. We'll use the same Model API from the Keras module in TensorFlow 2. The TensorFlow documentation contains an example of how to implement a VAE using convolutinal networks(https://www.tensorflow.org/tutorials/generative/cvae), and we'll build on this code example; however, for our purpose, we will implement simpler VAE enetwork using MLP layers based on the original VAE paper, AutoEncoding Variational Bayes, and show how we adapt the TensorFlow example to also allow for IAF modules in decoding.

In the original article, the authors propose two kinds of models for use in the VAE, both MLP feedforward networks: Gaussian and Bernoulli, with these names reflecting the probability distribution functions used in the MLP network outputs in their finals layers The Bernoulli MLP can be used so the decoder of the network, generating the simulated image x from the latent vector z. The formula for the Bernoulli MLP is:

Where the first line is the cross-entropy function we use to determine if the network generates an approximation of the original image in reconstruction, while y is a feedforward netwrok with two layers: a thanh transformation followed by a sigmoidal function to scale the output between 0 and 1. Recall that this scaling is why we had to normalize the CIFAR-10 pixels from their original values.

We can easily create this Bernoulli MLP network using the Keras API:

class BernoulliMLP(tf, keras.Model):

    def __init__(self, input_shape, name='BernoulliMLP', hidden)dim=10, latent_dim=10, **kwargs):

        super().__init__(name=name, **kwargs)

        self._h = tf.keras.layers.Dense(hidden_dim, activation='tanh')

        self._y = tf.keras.layers.Dense(latent_dim, activation='sigmoid')

    def call(self, x):

        return self._y(self._h(x)), None, None

We just need to specify the dimensions of the single hidden layer and the latent output(z). We then specify  the forward pass as a composition of these two layers. Note that in the output, we've returned threee values, with the second two set as None. This is because in our end model, we could use either the BernoulliMLP or Gaussian MLP as the decoder. If we used the GaussianMLP, we return three values, as we will see below; the example in this chapter utilizes a binaary output and cross entropy loss so we can use just the single output, but we want the return signatures for the two decoders to match.

The second network type proposed by the authors in the original VAE paper was a Gaussian MLP, whose formulas are:

This network can be used as either the encoder (generating the latent vector z) or the decoder (generating the simulated image x) in the network. The equations above assume that it is used as the decoder, and for the encoder we just switch the x and z variables. As you can se, this network has two types of layers, a hidden layer given by a tanh transformation of the input, and two output layers, each given by linear transformations of the hidden layer, which are used as the inputs of a lognormal likelihood function. Like the Bernoulli MLP, we can easily implement this simple network using the TensorFlow Keras API:

class GaussianMLP(tf.keras.Model):

    def __init__(self, input_shape, name='GaussianMLP', hidden_dim=10, latent_dim=10, iaf=False, **kwargs):

        super().__init__(name=name, **kwrgs)

        self._h = tf.keras.layers.Dense(hidden_dim, activation='tanh')

        self._logvar = tf.keras.layers.Dense(latent_dim)

        self._iaf_output = None

        if iaf:

            self._iaf_output = tf.keras.layers.Dense(latent_dim)

    def call(self, x):

        if self._laf_output:

            return self._mean(self._h(x)), self._logvar(self._h(x)), self._iaf_output(self._h(x))


            return self._mean(self._h(x)), self._logvar(self._h(x)), None

As you can see, to implement the call function, we must return the two outputs of the model(the mean and log variance of the normal distribution we'll use to compute the likelihood of z or z). However, recall that for the IAE model, the encoder has to have an additional output h, which is fed into each step of the normalizing flow:

To allow for this additional output, we include a third variable in the output, which get set to a linear transformation of the input if we set the IAF options to True, and is none if False, so we can use the GaussianMLP as an encoder in networks both with and without IAF.

Now that we have both of our subnetworks defined, let's see how we can use them to construct a complete VAE network. Like the sub-networks, we can define the VAE using the Keras API:

class VAE(tf.keras.Modle):

    def __init__(self, input_shape, name='variational_autoencoder', latent_dim=10, hidden_dim=10, encoder='GaussianMLP', decoder='BernoulliMLP', iaf_model=None, number_iaf_networks=0, iaf_params={}, num_samples=100, **kwars):

        super().__init__(name=name, **kwargs)

        self._latent_dim = latent_dim

        self._num_samples = num_samples

        self._iaf = []

        if encoder == 'GaussianMLP':

            self._encoder = GaussianMLP(input_shape=input_shape, latent_dim=latent_dim, iaf=(iaf_model is not None), hidden_dim=hidden_dim)


            raise ValueError("Unknown encoder type: {}", format(encoder))

        if decoder == 'BernoulliMLP':

            sekf,_decoder = BernoulliMLP(input_shape=(1, latent_dim), latent_dim=input_shape[1], hidden_dim=hidden_dim)

        elif decoder == 'GaussianMLP':

            self._encoder = GaussianMLP(input_shape=(1, latent_dim), latent_dim=input_shape[1], iaf=(iaf_modl is not None), hidden_dim=hidden_dim)


            raise ValueError("Unknown decoder type: {}", format(decoder))

        if iaf_model:

            self._iaf = []

            for t in range(number_iaf_networks):

                self._iaf.append(iaf_model(input_shape==(1, latent_dim*2), **iaf_params))

As you can see, this model is defined to contain both an encoder and decoder network. Additionally, we allow the user to specify whether we are implementing IAF as part of the model, in which case we need a stack of autoregressive trasforms specified by the iaf_params variable, Because this IAF network needs to take both z and h as inputs, the input shape is twice the size of the latent_dim(z). We allow the decoder to be either the GaussianMLP or BernoulliMLP network, while the encoder si the GaussianMLP.

There are a few other function of this model class that we need to cover; the first are simply the encoding and decoding, functions of the VAE model class:

def encode(self, x):

        return self._encoder.call(x)

    def decode(self, z, apply_sigmoid=False):

        logits, _, _ = self._decoder.call(z)

        if apply_sigmoid:

            probs = tf.sigmoid(logits)

            return probs

        return logits

For the encoder, we simply call(run the forward pass for) the encoder network. To decode,you will notice that we specify three outputs. The article that introduced VAE models, Autoencoding Variational Bayes, provided examples of a decodeer specified as either a Gaussian Multilayer Perceptron(MLP) or Benoulli output. If we used a Gaussian MLP, the decoder would yield the value, mean, and standard deviation vectors for the output, and we need to transform that output to a probability (0 to 1) using the sigmoidal transform. In the Bernoulli case, the output is already in the range 0 to 1, and we don't need this transformation (apply_sigmoid=False).

Once we've trained the VAE network, we'll want to use sampling in order to generate random latent vectors(z) and run the decoder to generate new images. While we could just run this as a normal function of the class in the Python runtime, we'll decorate this function with the @tf. function annotation, which will allow it to be executed in the TensorFlow graph runtime (just like any of the tf functions, such as reduce_sum and muliply), making using of GPU and TPU device if they are available. We sample a value from a random normal distribution, for a specified number of samples, and then apply the decoder to generate new images:


    def sample(self, eps=None):

        if eps is None:

            eps = tf.random.normal(shape=(self._num_samples, self.latent_dim))

        return self._Decoder.call(eps, applyu_sigmoid=False)

Finally, recall that the "reparamterization trick" is used to allow us to backpropagate through the value of z and reduce the variance of the likelihood of z. We need to implement this transformation, which is given by:

def reparameterize(self, mean, logvar):

        eps = tf.random.normal(shape=mean.shape)

        return sps * tf.exp(logvar * .5) + mean

In the ooriginal paper, Autoencoding Variational Bayes, this is given by:

where i is a data point in x and 1 is a sample from the random distribution, here, a normal. In our code, we multiply by 0.5 because we are computing the log variance (or standard deviation squared), and log(s^2) log(s)2, so the 0.5 cancels the 2, leaving us with exp(log(s)) = s, just as we require in the formula.

We'll also include a class property (with the @property decorator) so we can access the array of normalizing transforms if we implement IAF:


    def iaf(self):

        return self._iaf

Now, we'll need a few additional functions to actually run our VAE algorithm. The first computers the log normal probability density function(pdf), used in the computation of the variational lower bound, or ELBOL:

def log_normal_pdf(sample, mean, logvar, raxis=1):

    log2pi = tf.math.log(2. * np.pi)

    return tf.reduce_sum(

        S * ((sample - mean) ** 2. * tf.exp(-logvar) + \ logvar + log2pi), axis=raxis)

We now need to utilize this function as part of computing the loss with each minbatch gradient descent pass in the process of training the VAE. As with the sample method, we'll decorate this function with the @tf. function with the @tf.function annotation so it will be executed on the graph runtime:


def compute_loss(model, x):

    mean, logvar, h = model.encode(x)

    z = model.reparameterize(mean, logvar)

    logqz_x = log_normal_pdf(z, mean, logvar)

    for iaf_model in model.iaf:

        mean, logvar, _ = iaf_model.call(tf.concat([z, h], 2))

        s = tf.sigmoid(logvar)

        z = tf.add(tf.math.multiply(z,s), tf.math.mutiply(mean, (i-s))

        logqz_x -= tf.reduce_sum(tf.math.log(s))

    x_logit = model.decode(z)

    coss_ent = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=x_logit, labels=x)

    logpx_z = -tf.reduce_sum(cross_ent, axis=[2])

    logpz = log_normal_pdf(z, 0., 0.)

    return -tf.reduce_mean(logpx_z + logpz - logqz_x)

Let's unpack a bit of what is going on here. First, we can see that we call the encoder network on the input(a minibatch of flattened images, in our case) to generate the needed mean, logvariance, and, if we are using IAF in our network, the accessory input h that we'll pass along with each step of the normalizing flow transform.

We apply the "reparameterization trick" on the inputs in order to generate the latent vector z, and apply a lognormal pdf to get the logq(z|x).

If we are using IAF, we need to iteratively transform z using each network, and pass in the h(accessory input) from the decoder at each step. Then we apply the loss from this transform to the initial loss we computed, as per the algorithm given in the IAF paper.

Once we have the transformed or untransformed z, we decode it using the decoder network to get the reconsturcteed data, x, from which we calculate a cross-entropy loss. We sum these over teh minibatch and take the lognormal pdf of z evaluated at a standard normal distribution(the prior), before computing the expected lower bound.

Recall that the expression for the variational lower bound, or ELBO, is:

So, our minibatch estimator is a sample of this value:

Now that we have these ingredients, we can run the stochastic gradient descent using the GradientTape API, just as we did for the DBN in Chapter 4, Teaching Networks to Generate Digits passing in an optimizer, model, and minibatch of data(x):


def compute_apply_gradient(model, x, optimizer):

    with tf.GradientTape() as tape:

        loss = compute_loss(model, x)

    gradients = tape.gradient(loss, model.trainable_variables)

    optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, model.trainable_Variables))

To run the training, first we need to specify a model using the class we've built. If we don't want to use IAF, we could do this as follows:

model = VAE(input_shape=(1, 3072), hidden_dim=500, latent_dim=500)

If we want to use IAF transformations, we need to include some additional arguments:

model = VAE(input_shape=(1, 3072), hidden_dim=500, latent_dim=500, iaf_model=GaussianMLP, number_iaf_networks=3, iaf_params=('latent_dim': 500,' hidden_dim':500, 'iaf':False})

With the model created,, we need to specify a number of epochs, an optimizer(in this instance, Adam, as we described in Chapter 3, Building Blocks of Deep Neural Networks). We split our data into minibatches of 32 elements, and apply gradient updates after each minibatch for the number of epochs we've specified. At regular intervals, we output the estimate of the ELBO to verify that our model is getting better:

import time as time

epochs = 100

optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(le-4)

for epoch in range(1, epochs + 1):

    start_time = time.time()

    for train_x in cifar10_train.map(lambda x: flatten_image(x, label=False)).batch(32):

        compute_apply_gradients(model, train_x, optimizer)

    end_time = time.time()

    if epch % 1 == 0:

        loss = tf.keras.metrics.Mean()

        for test_x in Cifar10_test.map(lambda x: flatten_image(x, label=False)).batch(32)):

            loss(compute_loss(model, test_x))

    elbo = -loss.result()

    print('Epoch: {}, Test set ELBO:{}, ''time elapse for current epoch {}'.format(epoch, elbo, end_time - start_time))

We can verify that the model is improving by looking at updates, which should show an increasing ELBO:

To examine the output of the model, we can first look at the reconstruction error; does the  encoding of the input image by the network approximately capture the dominant patterns in the input image, allowing it to be reconstructed from its vector z? We can compare the raw image to its reconstruction formed by passing the image through the encoder, applying, IAF, and then decoding it:

for sample in cifar10_train.map(lambda x: flatten_image(x, label-False)).batch(1).take(10):

    mean, logvar, h = model.encode(sample)

    z = model.reparameterize(mean, logvar)

    for iaf_model in model.iaf:

        mean, logvar, _ = iaf_model.call(tf.concat({z, h], 2))

        s = tf.sigmoid(logvar)

        z = tf.add(tf.math.multiply(z,s), tf.math.multiply(mean, (1-s))


    plt.imshow((sample.numpy().reshape(32,32,3)).astype(np, float32), cmap=plt.get_camp("gray"))

For the first few CIFAR-10 images, we get the following output, showing that we have captured the overall pattern of the image (although it is fuzzy, a general downside to VAEs that we'll address in our discussion of Generative Adversarial Networks(GANs) in future chapters):

What if we wanted to create entirely new images? Here we can use the "sample" function we defined previously in Creating the network from TensorFlow 2 to create batches of new images from randomly generated z vectors, rather than the encoded product of CIFAR images:

plt.imshow((model.sample(10)).numpy().reshape(32,32,3)).astype(np.float32), cmap-plt.get_camp("gray"))

This code will produce output like the following, which shows a set of images generated from vectors of random numbers:

These are, admittedly, a bit blurry, but you can appreciate that they show structure and look comparable to some of the "reconstructed" CIFAR-10 image you saw previously. Part of the challenge here, as we'll discuss more in subsequent chapters, is the loss function itself: the cross-entropy function, in essence, penalizes each pixel for how much it resembles the input pixel, While this might be mathematically correct, it doen't capture what we might think of as conceptual "similarity" between an input and reconstructed image. For example, an input image could have a single pixel set to infinity, which would create a large difference between it and a reconstruction that set that pixel to 0; however, a human, looking at the image, would perceive both as being identical. The objective functions used for GANs, described in Chapter 6, Image Generation with GANs, capture this nuance more accurately.



2022년 3월 17일 목요일

Importing CIFAR

 Now that we've discussed the underlying theory of VAE algorithms, let's start building a practical example using a real-world dataset. As we discussed in the introduction, for the experiments in this chapter, we'll be working with the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) 10 dataset. The images in this dataset are part of a larger 80 million "small image" dataset, most of which do not have class labels like CIFAR-10, the labels were initially created by student volunteers, and the larger tiny images dataset allows researchers to submit labels for parts of the data.

Like the MNIST dataset, CIFAR-10 can be downloaded using the TEnsorFlow dataset's API:

import tensorflow.compat.v2 as tf

import tensorflow_datasets as tfds

cifar10_builder = tfds.builder("cifar10")


This will download the dataset to disk and make it available for our experiments. To split it into training and test sets, we can use the following commands:

cifar10_train = cifar10_builder.as_dataset(split="train")

cifar10_test = cifar10_builder.as_dataset(split="test")

Let's inspect one of the images to see what format it is in:


The output tells us that each image in the dataset is of format  <DatasetV1Adapter shapes: {image: (32,32,3), label: ()}, types: {image:tf.uint8, label: tf.int64}>:Unlike the MNIST dataset we used in Chapter 4, Teaching Networks to Generate Digits, the CIFAR images have three color channels, each with 32 * 32 pixels, while the label is an integer from 0 to 9(representing on of the 10 classes). We can also plot the images to inspect them visually:

from PIL import Image

import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

for sample in cifar10_train.map(lambda x: flatten_image(x, label=True)).take(1):

    plt.imshow(sample[0].numpy().reshape(32,32,3), astype(np.float32), cmap=plt.get_cmap("gray"))

    print("Label:L %d" % sample[1].numpy())

This gives the following outpt:

Like the RBM model, the VAE model we'll build in this example has an output scaled between 1 and 0 and accepts flattened versions of the images, so we'll need to turn each image into a vector and scale it to maximum of 1:

def flattern_image(x, label=False):

    if label:

        return (tf.divide(tf.dtypes.cast(tf.reshape(x["image"], (1, 32*32*3)), tf.floate32), 256.0), x["label"])


        return ( tf.divide(tf.dtypes.cast(tf.reshape(x["image"], (1, 32*32*3)), tf.float32), 256.0))

This results in each image being a vector of length 3072(32*32*3), which we can reshape once we've run the model to examine the generated  images.