Azure is Microsoft Corporation's cloud offering, and like AWS and GCP, we can use it to install Kubeflow leveraging a Kubernetes control plane and computing resources residing in the Azure cloud.
1. Register an account on Azure
Sign up at - a free tier is available for experimentaion.
2. Install the Azure command-line utilities
See instructions for installation on your platform at You can verify your installation by running the following on the command line on your machine:
This should print a list of commands that you can use on the console. To start.log in your account with:
az login
And enter the account credentials you registered in Step 1. You will be redirected to a browser to verify your account, after which you should see a response like the following:
"You have logged in. Now let us find all the subscription to which you have access": -
"cloudName": ...
"user": {
3. Create the resource group for a new cluster
We first need to create the resource group where our new application will live, using the following command:
az group create -n ${RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME} -l ${LOCATION}
4. Create a Kubernetes resource on AKS
Now deploy the Kubernetes control plane on your resource group:
az aks create -g ${RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME} -n ${NAME} -s ${AGENT_SIZE} -c ${AGENT_COUINT} -l ${LOCATION} --generate-ssh-keys
5. Install Kubeflow
First, we need to obtain credentials to install Kubeflow on our AKS resource:
az aks get-credentials -n ${name} -g ${RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME}
6. Install kfctl
Install and unpack the tarball directory:
tar -xvf kfctl_v0.7.1_<platform>.tar.gz
7. Set environment variables
As with AWS, we need to enter values for a few key environment variables:
the application containing the Kubeflow configuration files (${KF_DIR}), the name of the Kubeflow deployment (${KF_NAME}), and the path to the base configuration URI (${CONFIG_URI}) - for Azure, this is
8. Launch Kubeflow
The same as AWS,we use Kustomize to build the template file and launch Kubeflow:
mkdir -p ${KF_DIR}
cd ${KF_DIR}
ktctl apply -V -f ${CONFIG_URI}
Once Kubeflow is launched, you can use port forwarding to redirect traffic from local port 8880 to port 80 in the cluster to access the Kubeflow dashboard at localhost:8080 using the following command:
kubectl port-forward svc/istio-ingressgateway -n istio-system 8080:80