
2024년 6월 22일 토요일

Kafka Command Line Interface 101


C:\kafka_2.12-3.7.0>.\bin\windows\kafka-topics.bat --bootstrap-server localhost:9092,localhost:9093,localhost:9094 --create --topic mytopic --partitions 2 --replication-factor 1
Created topic mytopic.

Start Kafka

 https://kafka.apache.org/ download



setting path: bin

C:\kafka_2.12-3.7.0\config\zookeeper.properties edit 


C:\kafka_2.12-3.7.0 zookeeper-server-start.bat config\zookeeper.properties

C:\kafka_2.12-3.7.0>bin\windows\zookeeper-server-start.bat config\zookeeper.properties

[2024-06-23 08:53:35,580] INFO binding to port (org.apache.zookeeper.server.NIOServerCnxnFactory)

C:\kafka_2.12-3.7.0\config\server.properties edit 


C:\kafka_2.12-3.7.0>.\bin\windows\kafka-server-start.bat config\server.properties

[2024-06-23 09:00:46,925] INFO [KafkaServer id=0] started (kafka.server.KafkaServer)

2024년 6월 21일 금요일

Theory Roundup We've looked at all the Kafka concepts


Kafka Guarantees

- Messages are appended to a topic-partition in the order they are sent

- Consumers read messages in the order stored in a topic-partition

- With a replication factor of N, producers and consumers can tolerate up to N-I brokers being down

- This is why a replication factor of 3 is a good idea:

    - Allows for on broker to be taken down for maintenance

    - Allows for another broker to be taken down unexpectedly

- As long as the number of partitions remains constant for a topic(no new partitions), the same key will always go to the same partition


- Zookeeper manages brokers (keeps a list of them)

- Zookeeper helps in performing leader election for partitions

- Zookeeper sends notifications to Kafka in case of changes (e.g. new topic, broker dies, broker comes up, delete topics, etc...)

- Kafka can't work without Zookeeper

- Zookeeper by design operates with an odd number of servers (3, 5, 7)

- Zookeeper has a leader (handle writes) the rest of the servers are followers (handle reads)

- (Zokeeper does NOT store consumer offsets with Kafka > v0.10)

Kafka Broker Discovery

- Every Kafka broker is also called a "bootstrap server"

- That means that you only need to connect to one broker, and you will be connected to the entire cluster.

- Each broker knows about all brokers, topics and partitions(metadata)

Delivery semantics for consumers

- Consuemers choose when to commit offsets.

- There are 3 delivery sematics:

- At most once:

    - offsets are committed as soon as the message is received.

    - If the processing goes wrong, the message will be lost(it won't be read again).

- At least once(usually preferred):

    - offsets are committed after the message is processed.

    - If the processing goes wrong, the message will be read again.

    - This can result in duplicate processing of messages. Make sure your processing is idempotent (i.e. processing again the messages won't impact your systems)

- Exactly once:

    - Can be achieved for Kafka => Kafka workflows using Kafka Streams API

    - For Kafka => External System workflows, use an idempotent consumer.

Consumer Offsets

- Kafka stores the offsets at which a consumer group has been reading

- The offsets committed live in a Kafka topic named __consumer_offsets

- When a consumer in a group has processed data received from Kafka, it should be committing tghe offsets

- If a consumer dies, it will be a able to read back from where it left off thanks to the committed consumer offsets!

Consumer Groups What if too many consumers?

 - If you have more consumers than partitions, som consumers will be inactive

Consumer Groups

- Consumers read data in consumer groups

- Each consumer within a group reads from exclusive partitions

- If you have more consumers than partitions, some consumers will be inactive

      - Note: Consumers will automatically use a GroupCoordinator and a ConsumerCoordinator to assign a consumers to a partition


- Consumers read data from a topic(identified by name)

- Consumers know which broker to read from

- In case of broker failures, consumers know how to recover

- Data is read in order within each partitions

Producers: Message keys

- Producers can choose to send a key with the message (string, number, etc..)

- If key = null, data is sent reound robin (broker 101 then 102 then 103...)

- If a key is sent, then all messages for that key will always go to the same partition

- A key is basically sent if you need message ordering for a specific field(ex:truck_id)

     (Advanced: we get this guarantee thanks to key hashing, which depends on the number of partitions)


- Producers write data to topics(which is made of partitions)

- Producers automatically know to which broker and partition to write to

- In case of Broker failures, Producers will automatically recover

- Producers can choose to receive achnowledgment of data writes:

    - acks=0: Producer won't wait for acknowledgment(possible data loss)

    - acks=1: Producer will wait for leader acknowledgment(limited data loss)

    - acks=all: Leader + replicas acknowledgment (no data loss)

Concept of Leader for a Partition

- At an time onlyu ONE broker can be a leader for a given partition

- Only that leader can receive and serve data for a partition

- The other brokers will synchronize tghe data

- Therefore each partition has one leader and multiple ISR(in-sync replica)

Topic replication factor

- Topics should have a replication factor > 1 (usually between 2 and 3)

- This way if a broker is down, another broker can seve the data

- Example: Topic-A with 2 partitions and replication factor of 2

- Example: we lost Broker 102

- Result: Broker 101 and 103 can still serve the data

Brokers and topics

 - Example of Topic-A with 3 partitions

 - Example of Topic-B with 2 partitions

- Note: Data is distributed and Broker 103 doesn't have any Topic B data


- A Kafka cluster is composed of multiple brokers(servers)

- Each broker is identified with its ID(integer)

- Each broker contains certain topic partitions

- After connectiong to any broker (called a bootstrap broker), you will be connected to the entire cluster

- A good number to get started is 3 brokers, but some big clusters have over  100 brokers

- In these examples we choose to number brokers starting at 100(arbitrary)

Topics, partitions and offsets

 - Topics: a particular stream of data

    1) Similar to a table in a database(without all the constraints)

    2) You can have as many topics as you want

    3) A topic is identified by its name

- Topics are split in partitions

    1) Each partition is orderd

    2) Each message within a partition gets an incremental id, called offet

- Offset only have a meaning for a specific partistion.

    - E.g. offset 3 in partition 0 doesn't represent the same data as offset 3 in partition 1

- Order is guaranteed only within a partition (not across partitions)

- Data is kept only for a limited time (default is noe week)

- Once the data is written to a partition, it can't be changed (immutability)

- Data is assigned randomly to a partition unless a key is provided (more on this later)

2024년 6월 20일 목요일

Topic example: Truck_gps


- Say you have a fleet of trucks, each truck reports its GPS position to Kaflk.

- You can have a topic trucks_gps that contains the position of all trucks.

- Each truck will send a message to Kafka every 20 seconds, each message will contain the truck ID and the truck position (latitude and longitude

- We choose to create that topic with 10 partitions(arbitrary number)

2024년 6월 4일 화요일

For example

 - Netflix uses Kafka to apply recommendations in real-time while you're watching TV shows

- Uber uses Kafka to gather user, taxi and trip data in real-time to compute and forecast demand, and compute surge pricing in real-time

-LinkedIn uses Kafka to prevent spam, collect user interactgions to make better connection recommendations in real time.

-Remember that Kafka is only used as a transportation mechanism!

Apache Kafks: Use cases

 - Messaging System

- Activity Tracking

- Gather metrics from many different locations

- Application Logs gathering

- Stream processing(with the Kafka Streams API or Spark for example)

- De-coupling of system dependencies

- Integration with Spark, Flink, Storm, Hadoop, and many other Big Data technologies

Why Apache Kafka

 - Created by LinkedIn, now Open Source Project mainly maintained by Confluent

- Distributed, resilient architecture, fault tolerant

- Horizontal scalability:

    1) Can scale to 100s of brokers

    2) Can scale to millions of messages per second

- High performance (latency of less than 10ms) - real time

- Used by the 2000+ firms, 35% of the Fortune 500:

Problems organisations are facing with the revious architecture(Kafka)

 - If you have 4 source systems, and 6 target systems, you need to write 24 integrations!

- Each integration comes with difficulties around

    1) Protocol - how the data is transported(TCP, HTTP, RESt, FTP, JDBC...)

    2) Data format - how the data is parsed(Binary, CSV, JSON, Avro...)

    3) Data schema & evolution - how the data is shaped and may change

- Each source system will have an increased load from the connections