
2022년 2월 26일 토요일

A brief tour of Kubeflow's components

 Now that we have installed Kubeflow locally or in the cloud, let us take a look aganin at the Kubeflow dashboard

Let's walk through what is available in this toolkit. First, notice in the upper pannel we have a dropdown with the name anonymous specified-this is the namepsce for Kubernetes referred to earlier. While our default is anonymous, we could create several namespaces on our Kubeflow instance to accommodate different users or projects. This can be done at login, where we set up a profile

Alternatively, as with other operations in Kubernetes, we can apply a namespace using a YAML file:

apiVersion: kubeflow.org/v1beta1

kind: Profile


    name: profileName



        kind: User

        name: userid@eamil.com

Using the kubectl command:

kubectl create -f profile.yaml

What can we do once we have a namespace? Let us look through the available tools.

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