
2022년 2월 26일 토요일

Installing Kubeflow using Terraform

 For each of these cloud providers, you'll probably notice that we have a common set of commands; creating a Kubenetes cluster, installing Kubeflow, and starting the application. While we can use scripts to automate this process, if would be desirable to, like our code, have a way to version control and persist different infrastructure configurations, allowing a reproducible recipe for creaating the set of resources we need to urn Kubeflow. If would also help us potentially move between cloud providers without completely rewriting our installation logic.

The template language Terraform(https://www.terraform.io/)was created by HashiCorp as a tool for Infrastructure as Service(IaaS). In the same way that Kubernetes has an API to update resources on a cluster, Terraform allows us to abstract interactions with different underlying cloud providers using an API and a template language using a command-line utility and core components written in GoLang(Figure 2.7). Terraform can be extended using user-written plugins.

Terraform Core  <---->     Providers

                       RPC       Provisioners                        Upstream APIs



                                    Client Library       

Let's look at one example of installing Kubeflow using Terraform instuctions on AWS, located at https://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-eks-machine-learning-with-terraform-and-kubeflow. Once you have established the required AWS resources and installed terraform on an EC2 container, the aws-eks-cluster-and-nodegroup. tf Terraform file is used to create the Kubeflow cluster using the command:

terraform apply

In this file are a few key components. One is variables that specify aspects of the deployment:

variable "efs_throughput_mode" {

    description = "EFS performance mode"

    default = "burstring"

    type = string


Another is specification for which cloud provider we are using:

provider "aws" {

    region    =    var.region

    shared_credentials_file    = var.credentials 

    resrouce "aws_eks_cluster"    "eks_cluster" {

        name    =    var.cluster_name

        role_arn    =    aws_iam_role.cluster.role.arn

        version     =    var.k8s_version

    vpc_config {

        security_group_ids    =    [aws_security_group.cluster_sg.id]

        subnet_ids    =    flatten([aws_subnet.subnet.*.id])


    depends_on    = [




    provisioner    "local-exec"       {

        command    =    "aws --region ${var.region} eks update-kubeconfig --name ${aws_eks_cluster.eks_cluster.name}"


    provisioner    "local-exec"    {

        when    =    destroy

        command    =    "kubectl config unset current-context"



    profile    =    var.profile


And another is resources such as the EKS cluster:

resource    "aws_eks_cluster"    "eks_cluster"{

    name    =    var.cluster_name

    role_arn    =    aws_iam_role.cluster_role.arn

    version    =    var.k8s_version

    vpc_config {

        security_group_ids    =    [aws_security_group.cluster_sg.id]

        subnet_ids    =    flatten([aws_subnet.subnet.*.id])


    depends_on    =    [




    provisioner    "local-exec"    {

        command    =    "aws --region ${var.region} eks update-kubeconfig --name ${aws_eks_cluster.eks_cluster.name}"


    provisioner    "local-exec"    {

        when    =    destroy   

        command    =    "kubectl config unset current-context"



Every time run the Terraform apply command, it walks through this to determine what resources to create, which underlying AWS services to call to create them, and with which set of configuration they should be provisioned. This provides a clean way to orchestrate complex installations such as Kubeflow in a versioned, extensible template language.

Now that we have successfully installed Kubeflow either locally or on a managed Kubernetes control plane in the cloud, let us take a look at what tools are abailable on the platform.


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