
2022년 2월 4일 금요일

Applicatioins of AI

 In New York City in October 2018, the inernational auction house Christies's sold the Portrait of Edmond Belamy(Figure 1.1) during the show Prints & Multiples for $432,500.00. This sale was remarkable both because the sale price was 45 times higher than the initial estimates for the piece, and due to the unusual origin of this portrait. Unlike the majority of other artworks sold by Christie's since the 18th century, the Portrait of Edmond Belamy is not painted using oil or watercolors, nor is its creator even human; rather, it is an entirely digital image produced by a sophisticated maching learning algorithm. The creators - a Paris-based collective named Obvious- used a collection of 15,000 portraits created between the 14th and 20th centuries to tune an artificial neural network model capable of generating aesthetically similar, albeit synthetic, images.

Portraiture is far from the only area in which machine learning has demonstrated astonishing results. Indeed, it you have paid attention to the news inthe last few years, you have likely seen many stories about the ground-breaking results of modern ALsystems applied to diverse problems, from the hard sciences to digital art. 

Deep neural network models, such as the one created by Obvious, can now classify X-ray images of human anatomy on the level of trained physicians, beat human masters at both classic board games such as Go(an Asian game similar to chess) and multiplayer computer games, and translate French into English with amazing sensitivily to grammatical nuances.

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