
2022년 4월 15일 금요일 Implementation

 The basic interrupt mechanism works as follows. The CPU hardware has a wire called the interrupt-request line that the CPU sense after executing every instruction. When the CPU detects that a controller has asserted a signal on the interrupt-request line, it reads the interrupts number and jumps to the interrupt-handler routline by using that interrupt number as an index into the interrupt vector, It then starts execution at the address associated with that index. Then interrupt handler save any state it will be changing during its operating, determines the cause of the interrupts, performs the necessary processing, performs a state restore, and executes a return from interrupt instruction to return the CPU to the execution state prior to the interrupt. We say that the device controller raises an interrupt by asserting a signal on the interrupt request line, the CPU catches the interrupt and dispatches it to the interrupt, and the handler clears the interrupt by servicing the device. Figure 1.4 summarizes the interrupt-driven I/O cycle.

The basic interrupt mechanism just described enables the SPU to respond to an asynchronous event, as when a device controller becomes ready for service. In a modern operating system, however, we need more sophisticated interrupthandling features.

1. We need the ability to defer interrupt handling during critical processing.

2. We need an efficient way to dispatch to the proper interrupt handler for a device.

3. We need multilevel interrupts, so that the operating system can distinguish between high-and low-priority interrupts and can respond with the appropriate degree of urgency.

In modern computer hardware, these three features are provided by the CPU and the interrupt-controller hardware.

Most CPUs have two interrupt request lines. One is the nonmaskable interrupt, which is reserved for events such as unrecoverable memory errors. The second interrupt line is maskable: it can be turned off by the CPU before the execution of critical instruction sequences that must not be interrupted. The maskable interrupt is used by device controllers to request service.

Recall that the purpose of a vectored interrupt mechanism is to reduce the need for a single interrupt handler to search all possible sources of interrupts to determine which one needs service. In practice, however, computers have more devices (and, hence, interrupt handlers) than they have address elements in the interrupt vector. A common way to solve this problem is to use interrupt chaining, in which each element in the interrupt vector points to the head of a list of interrupt handlers. When an interrupt is raised, the handlers on the corresponding list are called one by one, until one is found that can service the request. This structure is a compromise between the overhead of a huge interrupt table and the inefficiency of dispatching to a single interrupt handler.

Figure 1.5 illustrates the design of the interrupt vector for Intel processors. The events from 0 to 31, which are nonmaskable, are used to signal various error conditions. The events from 32 to 255, which are maskable, are used for purposes such as device-generated interrupts.

The interrupt mechanism also implements a system of interrupt priority levels. These levels enable the CPU to defer the handling of low-priority interrupts without masking all interrupts and makes it possible for a high-priority interrupt to preempt the execution of a low-priority interrupt.

In summary, interrupts are used thoroughout modern operating system to handle asynchronous events(and for other purposes we will discuss throughout the text). Device controllers and hardware faults raise interrupts. To enable the most urgent work to be done first, modern computers use a system of interrupt priorities. Because interrupts are used so heavily for time-sensitive processing. efficient interrupt handling is required for good system performance.

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