
2024년 7월 9일 화요일

Kafka Connect and Streams Architecture Design


Why Kafka Connect and Streams

 1. Four Common Kafka Use Cases:

Source => Kafka        Producer API            Kafka Connect Source

Kafka => Kafka        Consumer, Producer API    Kafka Streams

Kafka => Sink        Consumer API        Kafka Connect Sink

Kafka => App     Consumer API

- Simplify and improve getting data in and out of Kafka

- Simplify transforming data wiythin Kafka without relying on external libs

- Programmers always want to import data from the same sources:

Databases, KDBC, Couchbase, GoldenGate, SAP HANA, Blockchain, Cassandra, DynamoDB, FTP, IOT, MongoDB, MQTT, RethinkDB, Salesforce, Solr, SQS, Twitter, etc...

- Programmers always want to store data in the same sinks:

S3, ElasticSearch, HDFS, KDBC, SAP HANA, DocumentDB, Cassandra, DynamoDB, HBase, MongoDB, Redis, Solr, Splunk, Twitter

- It is tough to achieve Fault Tolerance, IDempotence, Distribution, Ordering

- Other programmers may already have done a very good job!

Kafka Connect API A brief history

 1. (2013) Kafka 0.8.x:

    - Topic replication, Log compaction

    - Simplified producer client API

2. (Nov 2015) Kafka 0.9.x:

    - Simplified high level consumer APIs, without Zookeeper dependency

    - Added security (Encryption and Authentication)

    - Kafka Connect APIs

3. (May 2016): Kafka 0.10.0:

    - Kafka Streams APIS

4. (end 2016 - March 2017) Kafka 0.10.1, 0.10.2:

    - Improved Connect API, Siungle Message Transforms API

Kafka Connect Introduction

 1. Do you feel you're not the first person in the world to wirte a way to get data out of Twitter?

2. Do you feel like you;re not the first person in the world to send data from Kafka to PostgreSQL / ElasticSearch / MongoDb?

3. Additionally, the bugs you'll have, won't someone have fixed them already?

4. Kafka Connect is all about code & connectors re-use!

2024년 7월 6일 토요일

Max.block.ms & buffer.memory

 1. If the producer produces faster than the broker can take, the records will be buffered in memory

2. buffer.memory=33554432(32MB): the size of the send buffer

3. That buffer will fill up over time and fill back down when the throughput to the broker increases

4. If that buffer is full (all 32MB), then the .send() method will start to block (won't return right away)

5. max.block.ms=60000: the time the .send() will block until throwing a exception. Exceptions are basically thrown when

    - The producer has filled up its buffer

    - The broker is not accepting any new data

    - 60 seconds has elapsed.

6. If you hit an exception hit that usually means your brokers aredown or overloaded as they can't respond to requests

Producer Default Partitioner and how keys are hashed

 1. By default, your keys are hashed using the "murmuyr2" algorithm.

2. It is most likely prefered to not override the behavior of the partitioner, but it is possible todo so (partitioner.class).

3. The formula is:

targetPartition = Utils.abs(Utils.murmur2(record.key())) % numPartitions;

4. This means that same key will go to the same partition (we already know this), and adding partitions to a topic will completely alter the formuila

High Throughput Producer Demo

1. We'll add snappy message compression in our producer

2. snappy is very helpful if your messages are text based, for example log lines or JSON documents

3. snappy has a good balance of CPU / compression ratio

4. We'll also increase the batch.size to 32KB and introduce a small delay through linger.ms(20ms)