
2024년 8월 14일 수요일

Kafka Cluster setup is hard

1. To properly setup a Lafka Cluster, you need:

    - Zookeeper Cluster

    - Kafka Cluster

    - Proper replication factor

    - Multi Availability Zones Setup

    - Proper configurations(there are over 140 possible configs!)

2024년 7월 27일 토요일

Lesson 1 AWS Building Blocks Learning Objectives

 1.1 What is AWS?

AWS Official Definition

Amazon Web Services(AWS) is the world's most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud (On-demand, Pay as you go, Network-accessible) platform, offering over 200 fully featured services(There is a service for almost everything, and you'll need to specialize!) from data centers globally.(Hundreds of data centers and millions of servers around the world!) Millions of customers - including the fastest-growing startups, largest enterprises, and leading government agencies - are using AWS to lower costs, become more agile, and innovate faster.(You can do these in ways not possible using on-premises data centers!)

1.2 The Shared Responsibility Model

1.3 The AWS Account

1.4 Demo: Introduction to the AWS Console

1.5 AWS Service Categories

1.6 AWS Icons and Diagrams

Module 1: AWS Overview

Lesson 1: AWS  Building Blocks

Lesson 2: AWS Global Infrastructure

Amazon Web Services(AWS) 3rd Edition

Module 1: AWS Overview

Module 2: AWS Identity and Access Management

Module 3: AWS Network Services

Module 4: AWS Compute Services

Module 5: AWS Storage Services

Module 6: AWS Database Services

Module 7: AWS High Availability Services

Module 8: AWS Analytics Services

Module 9: AWS Management Tools

Module 10: AWS Monitoring and Automation Services

Module 11: AWS Security Services

Module 12: AWS Developer Services

Module 13: AWS Biling and Cost Management

Module 14: Course Wrap-Up And Next Steps

2024년 7월 13일 토요일

Why should I care about topic config?

1. Brokers have defaults for all the topic configuration parameters

2. These parameters impact performance and topic behavior

3. Some topics may need different values than the defaults

    - Replication Factor

    - #of Partitions

    - Message size

    - Compression level

    - Log Cleanup Policy

    - Min Insync Replicas

    - Other configurations

4. A list of configuration can be found at:


.\kafka-topics.bat --bootstrap-server --list

PS C:\kafka_2.12-3.7.0> .\bin\windows\kafka-topics.bat --bootstrap-server --create --topic configured-topic --partitions 3 --replication-factor 1

2024년 7월 12일 금요일

Kafka Multi Cluster + Replication

1. Kafka can only operate well in a single resion

2. Therefore, it is very common for enterprises to have Kafka clusters across the world, with some level of replication between them

3. A replication application at its core is just a consumer + a producer

4. There are different tools to perform it:

    - Mirror Maker - open source tool that ships with Kafka

    - netflix users Flink - they wrote their own applicaiton

    - Uber uysers uRepli8cator - address performance and operations issues with MM

    - Comcast has their own open source Kafka Connect Source

    - Confluent has their own Kafka Connect Source(paid)

5. Overall, try these and see if it works for your use case before writing your own

6. There are two desings for cluster replication:

7. Active => Active:

    - You have a global application

    - You have a global dataset

8. Active => Passive:

    - You want to have an aggregation cluster (for example for analytics)

    - You want to create some form of disaster recovery strategy (it's hard)

    - Cloud Migration (from on-premise cluster to Cloud cluster)

9. Replicating doesn't preserve offsets, just data!

State of the art of Kafka Security

1. Kafka Security is fairly new (0.10.0)

2. Kafka Security improves over time and becomes more flexible / easier to setup as time goes.

3. Currently, it i hard to setup Kafka Security.

4. Best support for Kafka Security for applications is with JAVA